Monday, December 27, 2010

Dr. Kaba: Melanin & Pineal Gland

Human photo synthesis. Chlorophyl is to plants what melanin is to the body.

In Afrikan cosmology, the fundamental purpose of life is to preserve the intrisinct order and sustain the synchronistic harmony of the universal cosmos. This includes searching and showing the truth to people that are unaware of it. That is exactly my objective. CLICK HERE


The pineal gland corresponds with divine thought after being touched by the vibrating light of Kundalini. Kundalini starts its ascent towards the head center after responding to the vibrations from the 'light in the head.' The light is located at the top of the sutratma, or 'soul thread', which passes down from the highest plane of our being into the physical vehicle.

Visualization exercises are the first step in directing the energies in our inner systems to activate the 'third eye'. The magnetic field is created around the pineal gland, by focusing the mind on the midway point between the pineal gland and the pituitary body. The creative imagination visualizes something, and the thought energy of the mind gives life and direction to this form.

A Fluoride-Free Pineal Gland is More Important than Ever

Dr. Kaba referenced Dr. Richard King and Sistah Maat (Dr. Sebi's wife) so i had to give praise to them by putting some footage of them in this link.

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