Friday, December 17, 2010

Al Quaeda Was Completely Fabricated

"Al Qaeda exists...its also known as Goldman Sachs, Bilderberg, Rockefeller, JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, Council of Foreign Relations, Halliburton, ...
if you don't get it then you are stupid." -xchainlinkx

"There is NO such thing as Ashkenazi Jewish Race,They are Khazar descents who converted to Judaism." -sandman2425

The entire fabrication of Al Quaeda is completely set up by government intellegence agencies and with out a doubt zionist influence! Check out this link, they have done a very thorough break down of Al Quaeda tapes, mug shots and the rest of the foolishness! CLICK HERE

What an asshole he is! U have to have less than half of a healthy brain cell to still believe this guy! He fooled u all in the beginning and i tried to tell u. But thats the past! If u still follow this fool, u r either supporting his zionist puppet masters or u are brain dead...

Wow! Of course this guy is jewish! Americans r such idiots that all u have to do is let your beard grow and u are automatically muslim!!

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