Wednesday, December 8, 2010

360 Degree Masons

Ashra Kwesi Presents the African Origin of Freemasonry
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Ashra Kwesi is a 360 degree mason

"Masonry was invented by the twa (pygmies) in central alkebulan(africa).It was evolved over 250,000 years from great mother worship,toteism,steller mythos,lunar mythos, then finally solar mythos.The first offical masonic lodge was built by high priest vizer imhotep(3200b.c.) in kemet(egypt).masonry is an eschatology based of cosmology and the 7 liberal arts which were all invented in alkebulan.A majority of the ancient temples and pyramids builtworldwide were masonic lodges that submitted to the mother lodge(temple of luxor).All the science and attributes(forces) of god were mapped out and compared to the forces in man(gods image) and a university system was established to save humanity.ALL THIS WAS ESTABLISHED BEFORE ABRAHAM,NOAH,JESUS,ALLAH,BUDDAH.BRAMHAN MYTHS WERE ESTABLISHED."

Authentic Alkebulan 360 degree mason, Nuk Pa Nukl

Alan Watt has no idea of what a 360 degree mason is because it has nothing to do with western eurocentric white supremecy. Listen as he tries to speak on it, but he knows nothing of the original man so he cant answer correctly. Original man was refered to as GOD by all nations. He mentions the term "Olympians", but who resides on Mount Olympus? Answer=GODS.

"Western masonry was built of 23 stolen tablets from the temple of waset(1st grand lodge) and 10 fictional christian degrees to make 33degres.this was possible when napolean penitrated kemet(egypt) passed the 3rd cataract,(the first time a westerner ever penetrated that deep into kemet after europes dark ages(millons of europeans dying).The europeans went out to find some way to survive the dark ages they created for themselves so they savagely killed africans(indians included) to find some way torebuild there civilazations.After this discovey in kemet the enlightment age was usherd in(built of sacred african kwoledge) The first western grand lodge was built in london in the 1700's.western masonry is a incomplete watered down masonry laughable when you compare it to real masonry.As an authentic Alkebulan mason, nuk pa nukl I will tell that masonry can never work for europeans because of there genetics.(calcified pineal glands and no melanin) disqualifing them from being Ma(egytion word nature) SON(SUN)BECAUSE NATURE IS AGAINST CAUCASIONS.tHE SUN KILLS CAUCASIAN SKIN CELLS AND CAUSES CANCER AND THERE PINEAL GLANDS ARE CALCIFIED ,SO THEY CANT INCREASE THEIR MELANIN INTAKE AND EVOLVE THEMSELVES TO HIGHER DEGREES OF CONSCIOUS NESS.I see all these post of illuminati, and r rappers masons, which are irrelavent conversations if you have any true knowledge.All africans are born messenu(masons) wheter they know it or not because we are the sun people blessed by nature.we can stay in the sun 27 days without food and just drinking water and get all our nutrients from the suns rays(RA).SAME EXPERIMENT WITH A WESTERN CAUCASION FREEMASON AND YOU'LL GET A CANCEROUS DEAD BODY.iTS SAD THAT SOMANY PEOPLE HAVE NO KNOWLEDE ON WHAT THEY REALLY ARE, OR ARE CAPABLE OF, OR HOW THE UNIVERSE WAS REALLY CREATED,AND THEIR RELATIONSHIP TO THAT CREATION.aNYONE WHO SEEKS THE TRUTH READ THE PERT EM HERU(BOOK OF ENLIGHTENMENT) AND THEN THE TRUTH WILL COME TO YOU DEGREE BY DEGREE TILL FULL CONSCIOUSNESS(360 DEGREES NOT 33DEGREES).WESTERN FAKERY IS ONLY 33 DEGREE, ONE DEGREE ABOVE FREEZING(32 DEGREES FREEZING) SO THEY ONLY HAVE 1 DEGREE OF KNOWLEDGE. HOTEP TO ALL AND SEUTON GNOTHY(MAN KNOW THYSELF)"

Authentic Alkebulan 360 degree mason, Nuk Pa Nukl

Dr Ben is a 360 degree mason

In 1939, shortly after receiving his undergraduate degree, Dr. Ben's father sent him to Egypt to study first hand the ancient history of African People. Since 1941, Dr. Ben has been to Egypt at least twice a year. He began leading educational tours to Egypt in 1946. When asked why he began the tours, he replied "because no one knew or cared about Egypt and most believed Egypt was not in Africa." According to Dr. Ben, Egypt is the place to go to learn the fundamentals of living. Over five decades have passed and Dr. Ben, a preeminent scholar and Egyptologist, remains focused on Nile Valley Civilization.

African Origins of Freemasonry

Plato's initiation encompassed three days of entombment in the Great Pyramid, during which time he died (symbolically), was reborn, and was given secrets that he was to preserve. Plato's writings are full of information on the Mysteries. Manly P. Hall stated in his book, The Secret Teachings of All Ages that, "...the illumined of antiquity...entered its (pyramid of Giza) portals as men; they came forth as gods." The ancient Egyptian word for pyramid was khuti, which meant "glorious light." Mr. Hall says also, "The pyramids, the great Egyptian temples of initiation..."

-"Secret Teachings of All the Ages"

The Kemetic Origin of Freemasonry: The Signs and Symbols Do not Lie

Knowledge is power and it represents an acquired amount of learning, which the ancient Kemites had tapped into the ability to fully exercise the creative power that exist in the pineal gland (this is the second great mystery relative to human physiology, truly another subject for another time) and this gave them the ability to activate and use 95% of their mental capacity (brain power). The brain still remains a mystery to western man and this phenomenon (possessing the will to activate and used that much of their human mental capacity still remains unprecedented) hasn't been duplicated since and this alone transitioned the Ancient Kemites into being Supreme Deities on Earth (Reference: Erich von Däniken ; "Chariots of the Gods"). The builders of Kemet were not space aliens, but mortal beings who cannot be viewed outside of the concept of Gods on Earth and this is the secret that has separated cultural mediocrity from the highest expressions of historical cultural excellence viewed throughout human history. (Reference: Cheikh Anta Diop: "Precolonial Black Africa".

By Fahim A. Knight-El

1 comment:

  1. Well Written. Men's Origin in this world is a a great tool to Cosmically Align men to truth. A man who Is Un-Aware of who He is on a Physical Cosmic Level Has indeed Lost contact to Origin And is therefore constipated from free flow or harmony and therefore deprived of Full potential and Is in many degree,s in shortfall of many great thing. and is in one simple example misrepresenting the essence in which he was meant to be representing in this world to the next.

    The most important thing that we seekers of the truth must not forget is that we are were we are because we are fed wrong information from almost any routine system we instantly are born into and spend our everyday lives. wrong information leads to wrong interpretation and wrong interpretation leads to deformation contrary to transformation. Imam Ali(AS) said Habit is the second most powerful nature, Meaning that if mis-interpretation is imbeded in systematic activities of our everyday lives, then every habit we indulge is therefore deforming to us. with to much much caos in the world such phonomenon is evident.

    What is the Purpose of the so called Abrahamic religions, and what are they to the original man. They are warnings that are alarming from Other Beings with froms of consciousness to remind inform, reform and transform the Original man Back into Origin. only if well interpreted. but with Mis-interpretation being the problem to many. this beatiful post, or a spiritual post or any form of such piece of information will not be of use but lead to more deformation.

    Mis interpretation-deformation. information- Trasformation
