Human photo synthesis. Chlorophyl is to plants what melanin is to the body.
In Afrikan cosmology, the fundamental purpose of life is to preserve the intrisinct order and sustain the synchronistic harmony of the universal cosmos. This includes searching and showing the truth to people that are unaware of it. That is exactly my objective. CLICK HERE
The pineal gland corresponds with divine thought after being touched by the vibrating light of Kundalini. Kundalini starts its ascent towards the head center after responding to the vibrations from the 'light in the head.' The light is located at the top of the sutratma, or 'soul thread', which passes down from the highest plane of our being into the physical vehicle.
Visualization exercises are the first step in directing the energies in our inner systems to activate the 'third eye'. The magnetic field is created around the pineal gland, by focusing the mind on the midway point between the pineal gland and the pituitary body. The creative imagination visualizes something, and the thought energy of the mind gives life and direction to this form.
A Fluoride-Free Pineal Gland is More Important than Ever
Dr. Kaba referenced Dr. Richard King and Sistah Maat (Dr. Sebi's wife) so i had to give praise to them by putting some footage of them in this link.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
The Other Israel
MUST SEE!!! I posted this doc on myspace many yrs ago and it was removed soon after as well as the user's account was disabled. I have finally found it again after about 4 yrs. Of course knowing this sort of truth could get you labled "anti semetic"! I will adress that term in a later post... This video is coming from a christian slant, but none the less he has gone to the jewish library to find this information. This information explains alot about why things are the way they are today and provides us a true history lesson.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
The German collaboration with Jewish Zionists (Haavara Agreement) resulted in most German Jews having already left Germany before the war began, an odd agreement seen from today's politically correct perspective where the deliberate and brutal murder of all Jews is taught and legally enforced (In many countries including Germany, France, Canada etc) on pain of imprisonment or huge fines. This mass-movement of people was achieved in a peaceful manner, with many Jews praising Adolf for the manner in which he conducted this delicate procedure. As a result, many Jews fought for Hitler during the war. Jews even nominated Hitler for the Nobel Peace Prize. In short, there was a great deal of support for Hitler from Jewish people until the day he died. Some of this support is documented HERE. Today's (almost) universal Jewish hatred against Hitler is a syndrome fuelled by propaganda after the war, and deserves further study elsewhere. The seeds of this later syndrome lies mainly with Non-German, typically American Jews, who initiated a worldwide campaign against Hitler and all German Jews that "collaborated" with Hitler.
Zionism was supported by the German SS and Gestapo. Hitler himself personally supported Zionism. During the 1930’s, in cooperation with the German authorities, Zionist groups organized a network of some 40 camps throughout Germany where prospective settlers were trained for their new lives in Palestine. As late as 1942 Zionists operated at least one of these officially authorized “Kibbutz” training camps over which flew the blue and white banner which would one day be adopted as the national flag of “Israel”. -
Hitler's first companion SS member number 2 was a Jewish Zionist.
WW2 150,000 Jewish Soldiers Served Hitler and the Nazis
An Italian writer and researcher has recently published the result of her research into the role of Zionist groups in providing support and funding for Nazi Germany and Italian fascists, led by Italy's war-time dictator, Benito Mussolini. The Italian writer and researcher, Andrea Giacobazzi, is claiming that an important part of the Second World War's history, has hitherto remained hidden, being ignored by many historians. She says a deal was struck between top Zionists and Nazi Germany, according to which the Zionist helped the funding of the Nazi war effort, in return for Nazi support to set up a Zionist entity on Palestinian lands in the middle east.
Andrea Giacobazzi says important political and economic agreements were signed between the Zionists and Nazis, according to which Zionist groups and political parties provided significant funds for the Nazi war effort during the Second World War.
Think about it. After WW1 Germany was completely destroyed, yet Jewish buisnesses flourished. How could Germany turn around and be able to fund such a huge movement? BMW, the Autoban, the return of the Olympics, and the organization of a military power so large it could threaten entire world peace. Not to mention the concentration camps, who engineered the gas chambers? The only group with enuff financial backing to support such a move were and are the Zionists!
The German collaboration with Jewish Zionists (Haavara Agreement) resulted in most German Jews having already left Germany before the war began, an odd agreement seen from today's politically correct perspective where the deliberate and brutal murder of all Jews is taught and legally enforced (In many countries including Germany, France, Canada etc) on pain of imprisonment or huge fines. This mass-movement of people was achieved in a peaceful manner, with many Jews praising Adolf for the manner in which he conducted this delicate procedure. As a result, many Jews fought for Hitler during the war. Jews even nominated Hitler for the Nobel Peace Prize. In short, there was a great deal of support for Hitler from Jewish people until the day he died. Some of this support is documented HERE. Today's (almost) universal Jewish hatred against Hitler is a syndrome fuelled by propaganda after the war, and deserves further study elsewhere. The seeds of this later syndrome lies mainly with Non-German, typically American Jews, who initiated a worldwide campaign against Hitler and all German Jews that "collaborated" with Hitler.
Zionism was supported by the German SS and Gestapo. Hitler himself personally supported Zionism. During the 1930’s, in cooperation with the German authorities, Zionist groups organized a network of some 40 camps throughout Germany where prospective settlers were trained for their new lives in Palestine. As late as 1942 Zionists operated at least one of these officially authorized “Kibbutz” training camps over which flew the blue and white banner which would one day be adopted as the national flag of “Israel”. -
Hitler's first companion SS member number 2 was a Jewish Zionist.
WW2 150,000 Jewish Soldiers Served Hitler and the Nazis
An Italian writer and researcher has recently published the result of her research into the role of Zionist groups in providing support and funding for Nazi Germany and Italian fascists, led by Italy's war-time dictator, Benito Mussolini. The Italian writer and researcher, Andrea Giacobazzi, is claiming that an important part of the Second World War's history, has hitherto remained hidden, being ignored by many historians. She says a deal was struck between top Zionists and Nazi Germany, according to which the Zionist helped the funding of the Nazi war effort, in return for Nazi support to set up a Zionist entity on Palestinian lands in the middle east.
Andrea Giacobazzi says important political and economic agreements were signed between the Zionists and Nazis, according to which Zionist groups and political parties provided significant funds for the Nazi war effort during the Second World War.
Think about it. After WW1 Germany was completely destroyed, yet Jewish buisnesses flourished. How could Germany turn around and be able to fund such a huge movement? BMW, the Autoban, the return of the Olympics, and the organization of a military power so large it could threaten entire world peace. Not to mention the concentration camps, who engineered the gas chambers? The only group with enuff financial backing to support such a move were and are the Zionists!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Al Quaeda Was Completely Fabricated
"Al Qaeda exists...its also known as Goldman Sachs, Bilderberg, Rockefeller, JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, Council of Foreign Relations, Halliburton, ...
if you don't get it then you are stupid." -xchainlinkx
"There is NO such thing as Ashkenazi Jewish Race,They are Khazar descents who converted to Judaism." -sandman2425
The entire fabrication of Al Quaeda is completely set up by government intellegence agencies and with out a doubt zionist influence! Check out this link, they have done a very thorough break down of Al Quaeda tapes, mug shots and the rest of the foolishness! CLICK HERE
What an asshole he is! U have to have less than half of a healthy brain cell to still believe this guy! He fooled u all in the beginning and i tried to tell u. But thats the past! If u still follow this fool, u r either supporting his zionist puppet masters or u are brain dead...
Wow! Of course this guy is jewish! Americans r such idiots that all u have to do is let your beard grow and u are automatically muslim!!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
360 Degree Masons
Ashra Kwesi Presents the African Origin of Freemasonry
Uploaded by herakles1988_30. - News videos from around the world.
Ashra Kwesi is a 360 degree mason
"Masonry was invented by the twa (pygmies) in central alkebulan(africa).It was evolved over 250,000 years from great mother worship,toteism,steller mythos,lunar mythos, then finally solar mythos.The first offical masonic lodge was built by high priest vizer imhotep(3200b.c.) in kemet(egypt).masonry is an eschatology based of cosmology and the 7 liberal arts which were all invented in alkebulan.A majority of the ancient temples and pyramids builtworldwide were masonic lodges that submitted to the mother lodge(temple of luxor).All the science and attributes(forces) of god were mapped out and compared to the forces in man(gods image) and a university system was established to save humanity.ALL THIS WAS ESTABLISHED BEFORE ABRAHAM,NOAH,JESUS,ALLAH,BUDDAH.BRAMHAN MYTHS WERE ESTABLISHED."
Authentic Alkebulan 360 degree mason, Nuk Pa Nukl
Alan Watt has no idea of what a 360 degree mason is because it has nothing to do with western eurocentric white supremecy. Listen as he tries to speak on it, but he knows nothing of the original man so he cant answer correctly. Original man was refered to as GOD by all nations. He mentions the term "Olympians", but who resides on Mount Olympus? Answer=GODS.
"Western masonry was built of 23 stolen tablets from the temple of waset(1st grand lodge) and 10 fictional christian degrees to make 33degres.this was possible when napolean penitrated kemet(egypt) passed the 3rd cataract,(the first time a westerner ever penetrated that deep into kemet after europes dark ages(millons of europeans dying).The europeans went out to find some way to survive the dark ages they created for themselves so they savagely killed africans(indians included) to find some way torebuild there civilazations.After this discovey in kemet the enlightment age was usherd in(built of sacred african kwoledge) The first western grand lodge was built in london in the 1700's.western masonry is a incomplete watered down masonry laughable when you compare it to real masonry.As an authentic Alkebulan mason, nuk pa nukl I will tell that masonry can never work for europeans because of there genetics.(calcified pineal glands and no melanin) disqualifing them from being Ma(egytion word nature) SON(SUN)BECAUSE NATURE IS AGAINST CAUCASIONS.tHE SUN KILLS CAUCASIAN SKIN CELLS AND CAUSES CANCER AND THERE PINEAL GLANDS ARE CALCIFIED ,SO THEY CANT INCREASE THEIR MELANIN INTAKE AND EVOLVE THEMSELVES TO HIGHER DEGREES OF CONSCIOUS NESS.I see all these post of illuminati, and r rappers masons, which are irrelavent conversations if you have any true knowledge.All africans are born messenu(masons) wheter they know it or not because we are the sun people blessed by nature.we can stay in the sun 27 days without food and just drinking water and get all our nutrients from the suns rays(RA).SAME EXPERIMENT WITH A WESTERN CAUCASION FREEMASON AND YOU'LL GET A CANCEROUS DEAD BODY.iTS SAD THAT SOMANY PEOPLE HAVE NO KNOWLEDE ON WHAT THEY REALLY ARE, OR ARE CAPABLE OF, OR HOW THE UNIVERSE WAS REALLY CREATED,AND THEIR RELATIONSHIP TO THAT CREATION.aNYONE WHO SEEKS THE TRUTH READ THE PERT EM HERU(BOOK OF ENLIGHTENMENT) AND THEN THE TRUTH WILL COME TO YOU DEGREE BY DEGREE TILL FULL CONSCIOUSNESS(360 DEGREES NOT 33DEGREES).WESTERN FAKERY IS ONLY 33 DEGREE, ONE DEGREE ABOVE FREEZING(32 DEGREES FREEZING) SO THEY ONLY HAVE 1 DEGREE OF KNOWLEDGE. HOTEP TO ALL AND SEUTON GNOTHY(MAN KNOW THYSELF)"
Authentic Alkebulan 360 degree mason, Nuk Pa Nukl
Dr Ben is a 360 degree mason
In 1939, shortly after receiving his undergraduate degree, Dr. Ben's father sent him to Egypt to study first hand the ancient history of African People. Since 1941, Dr. Ben has been to Egypt at least twice a year. He began leading educational tours to Egypt in 1946. When asked why he began the tours, he replied "because no one knew or cared about Egypt and most believed Egypt was not in Africa." According to Dr. Ben, Egypt is the place to go to learn the fundamentals of living. Over five decades have passed and Dr. Ben, a preeminent scholar and Egyptologist, remains focused on Nile Valley Civilization.
African Origins of Freemasonry
Plato's initiation encompassed three days of entombment in the Great Pyramid, during which time he died (symbolically), was reborn, and was given secrets that he was to preserve. Plato's writings are full of information on the Mysteries. Manly P. Hall stated in his book, The Secret Teachings of All Ages that, "...the illumined of antiquity...entered its (pyramid of Giza) portals as men; they came forth as gods." The ancient Egyptian word for pyramid was khuti, which meant "glorious light." Mr. Hall says also, "The pyramids, the great Egyptian temples of initiation..."
-"Secret Teachings of All the Ages"
The Kemetic Origin of Freemasonry: The Signs and Symbols Do not Lie
Knowledge is power and it represents an acquired amount of learning, which the ancient Kemites had tapped into the ability to fully exercise the creative power that exist in the pineal gland (this is the second great mystery relative to human physiology, truly another subject for another time) and this gave them the ability to activate and use 95% of their mental capacity (brain power). The brain still remains a mystery to western man and this phenomenon (possessing the will to activate and used that much of their human mental capacity still remains unprecedented) hasn't been duplicated since and this alone transitioned the Ancient Kemites into being Supreme Deities on Earth (Reference: Erich von Däniken ; "Chariots of the Gods"). The builders of Kemet were not space aliens, but mortal beings who cannot be viewed outside of the concept of Gods on Earth and this is the secret that has separated cultural mediocrity from the highest expressions of historical cultural excellence viewed throughout human history. (Reference: Cheikh Anta Diop: "Precolonial Black Africa".
By Fahim A. Knight-El
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Halal vs Kosher
Kosher and halal foods are similar: Both prohibit the use of pork, pork products and blood in food
Islam considers the entire cattle or sheep as Halal if duly slaughtered but Jews use only the fore-quarter as Kosher and consider the hind-quarter as non-Kosher.
Meat of rabbit, shell fish, wild hens, goose, and duck are considered permissible in the eyes of the Islamic Law but they are prohibited in Kashrut.
Islam prohibits all intoxicating alcohols, liquors, wines, and drugs. However, Kashrut considers all wines Kosher.
Mixing dairy and meat is prohibited in kosher foods, but is not an issue in halal.
Gelatin is considered Kosher (regardless of its origin, even from non-Kosher animals). If the Gelatin is of non-Halal (e.g. swine) origin, then Muslims consider it as Haram.
Animals Mutilated at Kosher Slaughterhou
Uploaded by PETATV.
There are many misconceptions about Kosher and Halal, even among Jews and Muslims. Worldwide, many Kosher producers think that Muslims accept Kosher as meeting Halal standards and requirements.
Even Muslims, too, accepted Kosher because they believed that Kosher slaughtering ritual (Shechita) was similar to that of Islamic ritual of slaughtering (Dhabh).
Islam considers the entire cattle or sheep as Halal if duly slaughtered but Jews use only the fore-quarter as Kosher and consider the hind-quarter as non-Kosher.
Meat of rabbit, shell fish, wild hens, goose, and duck are considered permissible in the eyes of the Islamic Law but they are prohibited in Kashrut.
Islam prohibits all intoxicating alcohols, liquors, wines, and drugs. However, Kashrut considers all wines Kosher.
Mixing dairy and meat is prohibited in kosher foods, but is not an issue in halal.
Gelatin is considered Kosher (regardless of its origin, even from non-Kosher animals). If the Gelatin is of non-Halal (e.g. swine) origin, then Muslims consider it as Haram.
Animals Mutilated at Kosher Slaughterhou
Uploaded by PETATV.
There are many misconceptions about Kosher and Halal, even among Jews and Muslims. Worldwide, many Kosher producers think that Muslims accept Kosher as meeting Halal standards and requirements.
Even Muslims, too, accepted Kosher because they believed that Kosher slaughtering ritual (Shechita) was similar to that of Islamic ritual of slaughtering (Dhabh).
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Scarface: Full Movie
This movie influnced hip hop music and the drug dealer persona of rappers over the years...
The bubble bath tub scene and the globe...
Classic shoot out scene in the end referenced from Scarface ending...
Monday, October 18, 2010
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Friday, October 1, 2010
Born in 1929, King was the son of a Black preacher known at the time only as "Daddy King." "Daddy King" named his son Michael. In 1935, "Daddy King" had an inspiration to name himself after the Protestant reformer Martin Luther. He declared to his congregation that henceforth they were to refer to him as "Martin Luther King" and to his son as "Martin Luther King, Jr." None of this name changing was ever legalized in court. "Daddy" King's son's real name is to this day Michael King.
Those of you who are really conditioned will be upset with me on this one. but truth is too important!! Therefore we must expose the dreamer!! Boule
Click Here
On Jan. 31, 1977 Coretta Scott King obtained a federal court order sealing 845 pages of FBI records about her husband for 50 years "because its release would destroy his reputation!" Many people contend that there is important information within this sealed file that should be made available to the public. The court says the file is of little importance, yet others claim that if that is indeed true, why withhold the information from the public...
According to Assistant Director Sullivan, who had direct access to the surveillance files on King which are denied the American people, King had embezzled or misapplied substantial amounts of money contributed to the "civil rights" movement. King used SCLC funds to pay for liquor, and numerous prostitutes both Black and White, who were brought to his hotel rooms, often two at a time, for drunken sex parties which sometimes lasted for several days. These types of activities were the norm for King's speaking and organizing tours... Click here for more
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
The Secret Behind the Secret by Anthony T. Browder
Anthony T. Browder teaches on the Ancient-Kemetic/Egyptian origins/symbolism of "The Secret", exposes the manipulation of this ancient-wisdom and how to use "The Secret", for personal and collective benefit. ( African-Cultural scholar/ourstorian, and author of "The Browder File" & "Nile Valley Contributions to Civilization)
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Who is the Original Man?
The Asiatic Blackman. Maker, owner, cream of the planet earth, father of civilization, god of the universe.
The Olmecs
True History
The Moors
Gomar Oz Dubar are the 3 attributes given to the master builders, artists and alchemists whom all civilizations are rooted in. GOD has always been an acrynym for the Aiziatic Black race. Majority of all gods and prophets from around the world represent black people from the black maddonna to buddha.
The Olmecs
True History
The Moors
Gomar Oz Dubar are the 3 attributes given to the master builders, artists and alchemists whom all civilizations are rooted in. GOD has always been an acrynym for the Aiziatic Black race. Majority of all gods and prophets from around the world represent black people from the black maddonna to buddha.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Friday, September 3, 2010
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Reptilian Human
Here's a throw back that I used to find interesting some 12 years or so ago! Enjoy!
Dont focus on the messenger, just listen to the message. I have never been a follower of this man, but truth is truth!!
Dont focus on the messenger, just listen to the message. I have never been a follower of this man, but truth is truth!!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Jesus Has No History
No Primary Source (First-Person) Accounts of Jesus Exist
No historians of the time mention Jesus. Suetonius (65-135) does not. Pliny the Younger only mentions Christians (Paulists) with no comment of Jesus himself. Tacitus mentions a Jesus, but it is likely that after a century of Christian preaching Tacitus was just reacting to these rumours, or probably talking about one of the many other Messiah's of the time. Josephus, a methodical, accurate and dedicated historian of the time mentions John the Baptist, Herod, Pilate and many aspects of Jewish life but does not mention Jesus...
What DID the Early Christians Believe?
The literature of the world is filled with invented characters. With good reason it is called fiction. Jesus did not produce the Church. The Church produced its own self-serving fiction: the story of Jesus. In the early decades of the 2nd century, that is within less than a hundred years of the supposed life and death of a human saviour, the Christians that we know of were propagating the cause of a wholly spiritual Christ. If this Christ were accorded a life at all, it was in mythic "ancient times."
In the two centuries that followed, a number of individuals contributed to the process of anthropomorphizing their celestial hero into the flesh and blood miracle-worker known to all. "Jesus of Nazareth" never lived but his life was invented to underpin adoration of the ineffable cosmic Christ and obedience to his worldly taskmaster, Holy Mother Church.
That Christ would also grow, in step with the authority and majesty of the Church, from an 'emanation' or messenger of God into an eternal, co-creator of the universe. But it was not the aeons of ethereal eternity that would be turned into a pageant for the lost and gullible. In the scattered communities, ghettoes, and slums of the Roman Empire it was an ancient tale of sacrifice and re-birth that would be dressed up in new Christian clothes.
The God Who Wasn't There from Tomeczek on Vimeo.
The God Who Wasn't There is a 2005 independent documentary written and directed by Brian Flemming. The documentary questions the existence of Jesus, examining evidence that supports the Christ myth theory against the existence of a historical Jesus, as well as other aspects of Christianity.
Biblical scholar L. Michael White, not himself a Christ-myth theorist, writes that, so far as is known, Jesus did not write anything, nor did anyone who had personal knowledge of him. There is no archeological evidence of his existence. There are no contemporaneous accounts of his life or death: no eyewitness accounts, or any other kind of first-hand record. All the accounts of Jesus come from decades or centuries later; the gospels themselves all come from later times, though they may contain earlier sources or oral traditions. White writes that the earliest writings that survive are the letters of Paul of Tarsus, and they were written 20–30 years after the dates given for Jesus's death. Paul was not a companion of Jesus; nor does he ever claim to have seen Jesus.
Of course she does!!
The Heroe's Journey: Joseph Campbell
Joseph John Campbell (March 26, 1904 – October 30, 1987) was an American mythologist, writer and lecturer, best known for his work in comparative mythology and comparative religion. His work is vast, covering many aspects of the human experience. His philosophy is often summarized by his phrase: "Follow your bliss."
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Rituals of the Bohemian Grove
"What is the basis for the Bohemian Grove's ceremonies presided over by the recorded voice of Walter Cronkite? What are the meanings of their rituals? What is the root of their occult activities? A documentary drawing upon the 19th century work of Sir James Frazier and 'The Golden Bough' which no investigator can afford to be without. Fight the New World Order and the Illuminati..."
Friday, August 20, 2010
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