Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Six Pointed Star is not a Jewish Symbol

It was a symbol used to spur or maintain the ideals of Zionism and/or Israelite Millennialism in the minds of Ashkenazi Jews. Because the House of Rothschild has ultimately brought the State of Israel into existence, we could view the Israeli flag today as a Rothschild flag, even a Khazar flag.

Some Orthodox Jewish groups reject the use of the Jewish Star of David because of its association with magic. Neturei Karta and Satmar reject it because they associate it with Zionism.
The vast majority of Spanish and Portuguese Jews do not use the star either.

The Star of David is not mentioned in rabbinic literature until the middle ages. It was during the latter part of this era that Kabbalists (Jewish mystics) began to associate the symbol with deeper spiritual meaning

What they wont tell you is that the 6 pointed star is a 2 dimentional intepritation of the merkaba.

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