Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Pedaphilia and Prostitution in Government

Child Pornagraphy in The Pentagon

Pedophilia is at the core of US government. Fully documented and called “The Franklin Affair,” the CIA ordered that a child prostitution ring involved with political “leadership” of both parties not to be investigated, despite damning evidence.

Continue reading on Examiner.com: Pedophilia and male prostitutes in the White House: the Franklin Affair and Bush’s Jeff Gannon

Child Prostitution in the White House

CIA Child Trafficking

The prostitute, Jeff Gannon, had no previous experience as a journalist and no association with any media when he began attending White House press conferences. The 3-minute video from the new documentary Invisible Empire below shows pictures of Mr. Bush kissing, fondling and embracing Mr. Gannon. Despite this damning evidence of Mr. Bush engaged in prostitute sex during White House business hours on our tax money, Congress refused to investigate.

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