Friday, September 24, 2010

The Secret Behind the Secret by Anthony T. Browder

Anthony T. Browder teaches on the Ancient-Kemetic/Egyptian origins/symbolism of "The Secret", exposes the manipulation of this ancient-wisdom and how to use "The Secret", for personal and collective benefit. ( African-Cultural scholar/ourstorian, and author of "The Browder File" & "Nile Valley Contributions to Civilization)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Who is the Original Man?

The Asiatic Blackman. Maker, owner, cream of the planet earth, father of civilization, god of the universe.

The Olmecs

True History

The Moors

Gomar Oz Dubar are the 3 attributes given to the master builders, artists and alchemists whom all civilizations are rooted in. GOD has always been an acrynym for the Aiziatic Black race. Majority of all gods and prophets from around the world represent black people from the black maddonna to buddha.